Quality Standards

The term coaching per se is not protected. Therefore it is very important for us to choose all our coaches very consciously. This way we can ensure that you will be accompanied by professionals with an excellent education and outstanding experience.

All our coaches are seasoned personalities who are already successful themselves. Due to their different backgrounds and life paths, they bring different perspectives to support the students in their own development and make them more successful in their (new) role.

All coaches are very good in their field, but they are all different in their individuality, at the same time.

Our Requirements

We are pleased that you are interested in joining our team. Unfortunately, we cannot offer any further cooperation with external coaches at present. In principle, the existing profiles offer a good orientation to the requirements for coaches.

Almost all of our coaches have a great theoretical proximity to one or more of the following schools of thought:

  • Tavistock Institute of Human Relations 
  • INSEAD (Systems Psycho-Dynamics)
  • NTL
  • Klagenfurter School

In addition, the following things are important, which can be found in comparable form as a recommendation by the Roundtable Coaching. However, our standards are higher:

  • Master-Degree, or higher (DQR Niveau 7).
  • At least 360 hours (approx. 45 days) of training (not including studies and/or doctorate), preferably related to coaching or related areas (e.g. T-Group, Leicester Conference, NTL HI Lab, INSEAD ICC or EMC, Columbia University 3CP, Stanford GSB Interpersonal Dynamics). Teaching and learning forms that serve the transfer of theory and practice are not included. Many of our coaches have more than one formal certification.
  • In addition to the hours above, there are periods of self-study or learning in collegial systems that are not included in the above-mentioned training hours.
  • In addition to training, continuous further education / supervision are important to us. That means to do an own advanced training every year. But at the latest every 2 years, a high quality advanced training. Qualitative means for us:
    • further training in international or maximum diverse groups, or
    • with very specialised providers with a very narrow target group,
    • at institutions that are at least nationally a capacity, recognised by others in the field (not because it is said by themselves),
    • at colleges and universities (affiliated institutes or spin-offs) or places where research is being conducted,
    • often (not always!) the price (> 5.000 EUR) is also one of the indicators for high quality, as well as the duration (> 5 days and/or half a year) of the training.
  • International experience (education/s, activities, training).
  • Finally, it is important to us that our coaches regularly work as such, but also work in other contexts and are demonstrably successful there.
  • The above mentioned requirements may be waived for outstanding individuals. 

The admission of new coaches takes place in the following steps:

  1. Personal recommendation by an existing coach from the team.
  2. Assessment of the submitted documents according to the criteria mentioned above.
  3. Interview with two other coaches from the existing team (not with the recommending coach).
  4. If necessary, an interview with an HTW MBA alumnus who has participated in the coaching program.